Saturday, March 29, 2008

E is for Easter

I've been bad about posting but...anyways.  I know it's a little late, but E is for Easter today and Everyday.  I went to the Extraordinary Women's Conference with my mom and women from my church yesterday and today.  Among other things, (if you Ever need a good laugh you should find one of Chonda Pierce's dvds) I was reminded of how blessed we really are.  Although life manages to continually get harder as time goes on, what do I really have to complain about? Besides the fact that all of my needs and almost all of my wants are Exceedingly met (click here to find out how you can help someone whose needs aren't met) I have a Savior who decided to send His perfect, willing, divine and only Son to Earth to die an Excruciating death on a cross and pay for Every human's sins.  In spite of this, I still manage to forget why I am alive and let the Everyday, mundane aspects of this difficult life get the best of me.  Where do I get the nerve?  I would love to blame Satan and I'm sure that he plays a large part but I must confess that I allow myself to get wrapped up in the temporary comforts here on Earth. Somehow I also manage to turn my attention inward instead of upward and outward.  Easter is always a reminder of what this life is really about; it's a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice for our benefit.  I'm afraid that I confuse this benefit with 'deserved comfort" and have begun to Expect comfort instead of focusing on "taking up my cross" and following Him, no matter the cost or the sacrifice.  How comfortable are you?

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

am i going to have to do to you as i did to your sis?!?

let's see...

A...B...C...D...E... humm- what comes next... oh yeah F! F :-)

*good thing i am a 2nd grade teacher- huh?*

(btw-i hope everything is ok... i would feel real bad about my sarcasim if you werent) :-)