Saturday, March 1, 2008

Blog Numero Uno

So, hello blogosphere. My sister (who deserves full credit for my beautiful header) persuaded me to start a blog. I'll try to blog consistently but past experiences cause me to doubt...

A little about me:
I live in Greenville, South Carolina and I go to Mountain Creek Baptist Church. I'm a grad student at Clemson University (at a satellite location), working on a public administration degree, and I work full time at a small law firm. As far as interests, I love my Savior, Jesus, music, politics, books, needlework (some call me "grandma") and spending time with friends.


Linda said...

Yay! You're first blog!

Sarah said...

It's good to see you back in the blosphere. I hope to read more about what is going on in your life. I miss you and look forward to talking with you soon!

Linda said...

I love the Bible verse you chose.
Isaiah 40:31 became a special verse
to me in the mid 1970's when I
attended a ladies retreat at
Ridgecrest. This verse was used
as the theme for our weekend. A
young lady from South Carolina was
our guest soloist for the weekend
and she sang "They That Wait Upon the Lord Shall Renew Their Strength". It was BEAUTIFUL! Let's
find a copy of that music to sing.