Saturday, April 26, 2008

Flying Lessons

So, I've been wanting to tell about my new-found fascination with birds.  When I began working where I work now, I started seeing birds everywhere.  I'm blessed to have an office on the second floor with nice big windows, so I get to see birds flying and sitting in trees quite a bit.  I even saw this cool owl one day (some choose to not believe me :)  I've seen some big honkin birds and, until recently asking a friend who works at the zoo, I thought that the zoo feeds the birds and lets them roam free.  The reason I thought this was because one day I was eating in the park (the zoo is in this park) near this overhang.  I was sitting in my car when this humongous bird flew down and landed on the overhang.  I've never seen such a cool-looking animal.  I can't describe it well but it was shaped like a flamingo with tall, skinny legs and fluffy white feathers.  If it weren't for someone else moving their car closer to the bird to get a picture, I later would have doubted what I saw.  The bird stood there for a minute or so and then decided to fly off.  I didn't want it to leave but I got to see it in action again.  It's wingspan was ginormous and watching it kinda reminds me of a bird that you might see in a sci-fi movie. It really was indescribable and totally a God-moment.
Ever since then I've taken more interest in birds.  I remember my great aunt and uncle loving to watch them outside their back window and I even remember, when I was young, hearing the sound that a robin made (to this day, that's still my favorite bird 'tweet').  Have you ever looked up to the sky and seen a large bird's wingspan?  Can you imagine being able to fly?  I watch them and just wonder what it must be like.  
I consider the Christian life to the life of a bird.  This may seem kinda silly, but stick with me here...Could you imagine if birds didn't fly?  What if they just walked around and decided not to use their wings?  If they did that, they wouldn't even be able to get up in the trees and build nests.  They couldn't fly in the 'V' shape or fly south for winter.  Fortunately, for them and us, they do use their wings to fly and they use what God gave them to do what they've got to do.  As Christians, we choose to use or not use what God has given us.  Our 'wings' can include things like the Holy Spirit, that all Christians have, or spiritual gifts that are each different.  
Also, God's Word reminds us that we shouldn't worry about what we will eat, drink or wear:
29Are not two sparrows sold for a penny[d]? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. 30And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
We are worth more than sparrows, yet we find it hard to trust that God can take care of us.  Birds fly from place to place not knowing what is in store for them next.  They don't know what's going to happen but they don't stop flying in fear of what is ahead.  In fact, considering my own worries, if I were a bird I would probably still be in the nest fearful of taking that first flight but I've never seen a bird scared of flying.  They seem to completely understand God's purpose for their lives without asking I?  
In a lot of ways, I am like a bird that has made it to the tree branch but is holding back before taking flight. In doing so, I'm missing out on a lot of things that God has in store for me to do for His kingdom.  Why can't I just trust Him like the birds do?  
      "but those who hope in the LORD 
       will renew their strength. 
       They will soar on wings like eagles; 
       they will run and not grow weary, 
       they will walk and not be faint."
                             Isaiah 40:31


Erin said...

What a great, inspiring blog, Jeni! Definitely fitting for your blog them! (Justin hates birds...he says they look funny without arms!) But we can definitely appreciate God's beauty and care through the birds we see!

Linda said...

Thank you for the "flying lessons".
What a beautiful analogy you made
of Christians and the birds God made. Know you feel blessed to be in a location where you can daily see and be close to God's creation
and natural beauty. Thanks also, Jeni, for the challenge and reminder that I can trust Him like
the birds do, and there's not a
sparrow that falls that He doesn't
know about. What an amazing and
wonderful thought and truth to
apply to our lives! Thanks again.

I can trust Him like the birds do,
and there's not a sparrow that falls that He doesn't know about.